Workplaces everywhere to support a remote and multi-location organisation
Intrec Consulting

Intrec Consulting serves as Interim Partners, creating the right conditions for sustainable growth through their expertise services in Talent Acquisition, Recruitment, HR & Candidate Search for a temporary period of time. They are experts in the digital & technical candidate market and our solutions are efficient, unique, and designed to provide long-term value.
They are utilising Spacent’s Business+ Coworking Pass to support their multi-location work environment, where all employees can work from anywhere they want to.
“It has been incredibly rewarding to visit different co-working spaces and meet different people.”
“Since I work in a mainly remote-based company, Spacent has provided me with comfort as I have several incredible co-working spaces to use, while also giving me great flexibility because I can switch locations every day, according to my needs. It has been incredibly rewarding to visit different co-working spaces and meet different people, which has provided a great opportunity for networking,” tells Jessica Hägglöf, Senior Talent Search Specialist at Intrec.
Intrec has also found the Spacent service easy to use, and it allows finding places to work on the go.
“You can book a space easily through the app, and the co-working spaces you can choose from are of high quality, have different types of workspaces, and always have friendly and helpful staff,” adds Hägglöf.