Spacent team · Jun 5th 2023
A’Pelago joins Spacent with remote work locations in the Finnish archipelago and Åland Islands
We are thrilled to announce our latest partnership with a space provider A’Pelago Experience! A’Pelago offers 10 coworking spaces in the unique Finnish archipelago and Åland islands, and these spaces are now available for Spacent members. The collaboration makes spectacular remote work experiences in the archipelago more accessible and supports the year-round activities of local businesses in the area.
Think about a place, where just by glancing up from your laptop you could see the beautiful nature of the archipelago, and where you could live sustainably and work productively at the same time. That is what A’Pelago Experience provides with their 10 remote work locations in the Archipelago Sea Region and Åland Islands. They also provide accommodation, tailored events for companies, and conferences like the A’Pelago Initiative 10.-11.8.2023.
The aim of the collaboration between A’Pelago and Spacent is to create better opportunities for remote work in all kinds of companies. Working in an environment that supports the overall well-being of the employee can also enhance productivity, creativity and innovation during working hours. Spacent’s customers, such as EY, Relex and Gubbe, are the forerunners when it comes to embracing the benefits of hybrid work – and now their employees may work with a spectacular view of the Finnish Archipelago.
The following remote work locations from A’Pelago will become available for Spacent members in the beginning of June:
- Airisto Lumous
- Airisto Marina
- Archipelago Center Korpoström
- Björkboda Bruksgård
- Hotel Brudhäll
- Hotel Kasnäs
- Hotel Stallbacken
- Norrskata
- Tackork
- Villa Kajuutta