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Entreprenörsgatan - Ingenjörsgatan 8

Ingenjörsgatan 8, 411 19 Göteborg

Not available for booking
Opening hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Special opening hours

Fri Apr 18th 2025: closed
Mon Apr 21st 2025: closed
Thu May 1st 2025: closed

Opening hours may differ - check exact hours from the location website or Spacent App.

About us

An office hotel for digital entrepreneurs!
We call the office hotel on Ingenjörsgatan 8 the Eight! Entrepreneurs who have a strong focus in the digital area work here - social media, communication, design and app and web development are some examples.

In the Eight there is a lounge, telephone booth, kitchen and conference room. Just outside the office you will find lots of restaurants, shops and walking distance to the iron square which offers good communication traffic.

Space types
  • Coffee and tea
  • Phone booth
  • Print / scan / copy
  • Wi-Fi
