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Anyspace Käpylä
Koskelantie 5, 00610 Helsinki
Not available for bookingOpening hours
Mon - Sun 24h
Opening hours may differ - check exact hours from the location website or Spacent App.
Anyspace Käpylä
Located in the idyllic Käpylä, Anyspace provide well equipped working spaces.
Neighbourhood and services
Anyspace Käpylä is located in the corner of Koskelankatu and Mäkelänkatu. There's a allotment garden of Kumpula, Käpylä's sports park and several restaurants in the neighbourhood.
Arrival and parking
Due to its great location Anyspace is easy to reach with several buses and trams.
Space types
- Accessible
- Enhanced cleaning
- Hand sanitizer
- On-site restaurant
- Pet friendly
- Wi-Fi
Available for extra cost
- Coffee and tea
- Dedicated parking area
- Lockers