Spacent team · Apr 27th 2023
Celebrating 100,000 workspace reservations made through Spacent
At the start of this week Spacent reached a significant milestone as the 100,000th workspace reservation was made through our service. This achievement validates the growing importance of flexible, on-demand workspaces. We want to take this moment to express our gratitude to our users, workspace partners, and other friends we made during our journey. We are so happy to be on this space exploration with you!
The physical location of where people work has shifted quite a bit during the last few years, stabilising into a combination of working remotely or from the office, depending on employees’ needs. Today, flexible spaces play an essential part in modern workplaces, as they improve employee well-being and productivity while decreasing costs and emissions.
To celebrate reaching 100,000 reservations, we want to give you a sneak peek of some of the insights we have uncovered from this data:
- Most reservations are planned somewhat deliberately, while a bit over 40% are done “ad-hoc”, less than an hour before the start of the reservation
- Based on the reservation data, 55% of reservation decisions are affected by where someone’s colleagues are working. Almost 40% of the reservations are done solely based on the knowledge that your colleague will be working in the same location.
- Mondays and Fridays tend to have fewer reservations to own offices or on-demand spaces in comparison to Tues-Thu, but Fridays are more popular in flexible spaces (maybe people continue to the weekend straight after).
- During the holiday seasons the locations in smaller cities get more reservations (people working near their holiday destination).
These are just examples of some insights we have gathered, and we will use this impressive dataset to deepen our understanding of the future of office. We are committed to using this knowledge to help all kinds of companies find sustainable workspace solutions that suit their unique needs. You can contact us or book a demo to hear more about Spacent, our data, and how to make your offices sustainable, cost-efficient, and flexible.
Thank you for being a part of this journey, and we look forward to shaping the future of office together.